Thursday, 2 December 2010


Hi Folks,

Editing ppt is uploaded below. Remember the examples we also talked about....

Montage - creating meaning by building up a variety of shots. like bricks in a wall. Team America Montage sequence does a grand job of explaining this, but if you want to see extended use, search YouTube for 'man with a movie camera' and find the Dziga Vertov film.

Juxtaposition / Collision Montage - meaning is created in the contrast between two shots or sets of images. 'Apocalypse Now Kurtz Death' (YouTube it) is an excellent example, Old-Skool (original) use of the device can be found if you look for 'Odessa Steps Eisenstein' on YouTube - an army attack a group of civilians whilst a baby carriage tumbles towards the sea -meaing-making-tastic!

And the film we were watching in class was called At Land, by Maya Derren. You know you want to watch it all the way through!

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